GIVE IN: God's Hellfire MC Read online

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  Micah hadn't ordered it that way. He'd said to undress, not strip.

  Soon, my clothes were pooled at my feet. I could feel my nipples rising from the combination of cool air and excitement, could feel myself getting damp between my legs as I stood here in front of this total, commanding piece of masculinity. I arched my back a little and pushed my shoulders back, giving him the best view possible. Despite this being as much about proving I could follow orders, I realized I also wanted to please him, at least a little bit.

  After all, I had insisted that he owned me, and that I was his to do with as he pleased.

  “Now, come here,” he said, setting his beer aside. The whole time I'd been undressing, he'd just watched me like some kind of barely-contained wild animal.

  “Ready for me to begin my duties,” I started to ask, my voice low and throaty like I hadn't had water for days, “as your property?”

  His eyes traveled up and down my body, taking me in like a long drink. I nearly shivered under his appraisal. “No.” He shook his head and licked those kissable lips of his. He patted his leg. “Going to teach you about why you shouldn't try and kill your owner. Now, come here.”

  I crossed the short distance and bent over his lap, the worn denim a combination of soft and rough as I slid my naked body over his legs. My tits hung into the air, my underboob pushing into the side of his thigh. His hardening cock pressed through his clothes and into my belly like a steel rod, and I could feel my mouth already salivating at the thought of it.

  “Are you ready for your punishment?” he asked.

  My breath was coming even faster, now. I lifted my butt in the air for him, thought about giving it a little wiggle, then reconsidered. My new owner might not appreciate it. I nodded.

  “Count for me,” he said, but didn't do anything.

  I whined a little. This was even worse than last night. At least, then, I hadn't known it was coming. I couldn't prepare for it, or even dread it being about to happen. I was just suddenly bent over, screaming as he spanked my bare ass. I bit my lip and gave a little nod.

  Then, he started to spank me. His first slap came down, harder than I remembered from the last time, then his hand retreated for a moment until I remembered my part of this arrangement.

  “One,” I croaked out, my pussy already getting wetter as his other, non-spanking hand pressed me more firmly down on his lap.

  He brought his hand down again on the opposite bare cheek.

  “Two!” I cried out, struggling a little to move, but unable to.

  Again, he slapped the first cheek.

  I squawked in pain. “Three!” I called, my eyes already tearing up from the mixture of pleasure and pain.

  Another time.

  I spread my legs a little, centering my feet as I pushed my ass higher into the air, exposing myself like a wanton little hussy. I wanted his hand to slip down a little, to accidentally trail his fingers over my bare sex. Just his touch, that's all I wanted. “Four,” I called out.

  Another swat.

  More pleasure than pain blossomed now, like my head had moved into a special place where I craved his touch in any way I could possibly get it. “Five!” I yelled, my voice almost cracking.

  He paused and brought his hand down and began to tenderly rub my back side, alleviating the burning pain I felt back there. I whimpered, whining as his attention set me to gushing again.

  Then he started again. We got to fifteen licks before he stopped.

  Thinking he was done, I went to get up from his lap, but the hand pressed into my back didn't budge.

  His hands slid over my back, over my reddened ass, stinging even as they soothed. I whimpered again as his fingers began to explore the back of my thighs, the inner tops of my thighs where they met my hairless pussy. His touch was electric, like I'd been waiting for it my whole life.

  I didn't say a word, just groaned a little as I spread my legs wider for him.

  He grunted as I shifted on his lap and rubbed against his rock-hard cock still pressing into my belly.

  I moved my hips, trying to somehow convince his hands to touch me, for his fingers to lower just a fraction of an inch and give me some relief.

  “Is this what you're begging for?” he asked, his voice a strange combination of stern kindness, as he stroked a finger between my lips, opening me like a damp flower.

  “Yes sir,” I said, nodding as pleasure rippled through my body. I'd never so willingly called a man sir like that in all my life. For some reason, it just seemed to come out naturally.

  He slid his finger lower, found the hood of my clit. He circled around it, sending off a little chain of fireworks, pop pop pop, throughout me.

  I bit my lip and groaned low, trying to control my urges to push back into his hand, to get more of him on my body. I was worried, though, that he'd suddenly refuse if I did.

  “Do you like that?” he asked as he his other hand slid from my back up into my hair, his fingers entwining in my auburn tresses.

  I nodded urgently. “Yes sir,” I said. “I do.”

  “Good,” he said, simply, continuing his rhythmic circling of my clit. I was drenched back there, completely gushing with my need for him.

  My mind was fixated on the hard cock in his pants, filled with visions of Micah taking me on the dining room table. Bent over it, with my legs spread wide for him. It didn't matter, I just wanted him inside me, deep and hard. I just had an insatiable need to be filled.

  His fingers, kept up their movements, and I began to meet them, grinding my pussy on his hand.

  The pleasure was becoming too much, and I could feel myself about to cum.

  His hand that had been in my hair snaked around in front of me, first grasping my throat, then traveling up over my chin and jaw.

  As his rough fingers ran over my pouting lips, I opened my mouth and sucked them in, swirled my tongue.

  “Just like a good girl,” he said, his voice approving as he withdrew his fingers from my clit.

  I whined around his fingers, but continued to suck on them like a hard, ready cock.

  “Such a good little slut,” he said. “Keep sucking, Kaci, keep being a good girl.” He just readjusted positions, though, and soon his hand was back to working on me. I pushed back into him as he dipped two fingers into my honeypot for the first time, giving me a slight imitation of what a real cock felt like.

  Pleasure flooded me again as I pushed back into him more violently than before. I gasped around his fingers, but quickly resumed sucking on them. For some reason I couldn’t quite pin down, I didn't want to disappoint. I couldn't disappoint.

  His thumb dipped down, found my clit, and began to swirl around it. Then, his fingers hooked a little and found my g-spot.

  My eyes rolled back in my head as pleasure seemed to briefly shove my consciousness into the back of my brain.

  “Are you close?” he asked as he took his fingers from my mouth.

  I squeezed my eyes tight and nodded furiously. “Yes sir, so close,” I said, my words tumbling from my mouth like an avalanche.

  “How close?” he asked as he rubbed the tip of his fingers over my g-spot another time.

  “So very, sir.”

  “Good,” he said.

  Then he stopped.

  “Not yet,” he said, stroking my ass with his now free hand. “Later.”

  “Later?” I whined, my voice keening a little. “But, I want it now.”

  “Later,” he repeated, his voice more stern. “Remember, I own you, Kaci. You said so yourself. You belong to me.”

  I nodded externally, while internally I was screaming at myself for letting this man have a hold on me like this. Even though, somehow, in a deeper part of me, I knew I craved it. In that place, I knew that if I submitted to him, really submitted to him, I wouldn't have to worry. He'd take care of me in the end.

  “Up,” he said. “Off my lap.”

  I got up off his lap and stood there, my legs wobbling. I grasped the edge of the d
ining room table, used it to stabilize myself. The world seemed to swim between my eyes, and the passion was still burning between my thighs.

  “Trust me,” he said as he stood, his erection painfully obvious in the front of his jeans, “this hurts me more than it hurts you.”

  I bit my lip and nodded, surprised at how I was going along with this. But, somehow, I'd felt something new and wonderful while I was lying under his grip, under his not-so-tender caresses. My cheeks still burned, but in such a sexy way.

  “Good,” he said, nodding to himself. “Now, put your clothes back on and head upstairs. We've got another long day ahead of us tomorrow.”

  I nodded, and my eyes followed him as he went to leave. I stooped to gather my clothes and began pulling them back on.

  “Kaci?” Micah said from the dining room, his voice sending a thrill through my body.

  “Yes sir?” I asked, my voice still in that submissive tone from a few moments earlier.

  “You can't take care of the problem yourself.”

  I frowned and nodded. “I understand,” I said. Inside, though, I was nearly crying.

  I mentally slapped myself, then, and reminded me of what I was supposed to be doing this for. I needed to convince him I was on board with his plan. That was all.

  Orgasms would come later.

  But, still, as I drifted off to sleep that night, I didn't relieve the pressure I felt building up inside of me. I listened to his order, and I took it to heart.

  Chapter Ten


  Gov brought Sydney out to the house the next morning so we could go over the plan a couple more times.

  “Alright,” I said as we were gathered in my upstairs game room, beers in hand, “this is the idea. Kaci, you and Sydney act like desperate teenage runaways. You flirt with the trucker we point out for you. Once you convince him to take you on down the road, you use some chloroform when you're in the cab of the truck. He passes out, you zip-tie him, we take over from there. Keep it simple, stupid, right?”

  Gov slowly shook his head. “I don't know, Don. This whole thing, I mean most truckers are bigger dudes. At least the ones I used to run with.”

  “You saying we can't handle ourselves, Gov?” Kaci asked, sidling up next to Gov. “We've been working the streets and hotels for longer than you think, big guy.”

  He turned to address Kaci. “Nah, I mean, I'm sure you can.”

  “That's not what it sounded like to me, Gov,” Sydney said, coming up beside him and pressing herself into his side.

  He rolled his eyes and turned his attention to Sydney.

  I could see what was going down, but I didn't want to ruin the surprise. The trucker wouldn't have a buddy watching his back like Gov did, right then. Kaci had the old rag we'd been using as a chloroform prop in one hand, just barely out of sight.

  “Nope,” Kaci said from Gov's other side, “that's definitely not what it sounded like. You think poor, meek little girls like us need big bad bikers to protect them.”

  Gov gave an exasperated sigh and looked back to Kaci. He gave a surprised yelp when his nose went straight into the fake chloroform rag, then a frustrated sigh. “Fine,” he said, his voice muffled from the cotton overlaying his nose and mouth, “I see your point.”

  Both women burst out laughing and gave Gov, and each other, a hug.

  This plan was perfect. I was grinning from ear to ear, and the way Kaci had handled herself was almost effortless.

  I hadn't been able to take my eyes off her all day. I kept wondering if she'd followed my orders the night before, or if she'd disregarded them the moment the door to the guestroom was closed. Either outcome was hot, as far as I was concerned. Somehow, though, I doubted she'd followed my instruction to a “t.”

  I wondered, for probably the thousandth time, if she would ever come into my arms willingly, or warm my bed without it being her “job” or responsibility. The idea of having a woman like her, it was appealing. But, that gold lost its glimmer if I knew it was all just the same as her last career.

  I sighed and drank my beer down. No matter my feelings for Kaci, and whether I'd ever have her completely willingly, today allayed my doubts about the plan. This thing was solid, and the ladies could pull it off no problem.

  # # #


  Micah's plan was solid enough to work, especially if Sydney and I worked together like we were supposed to. That wasn't going to be a big deal, either. We'd seduced men together plenty of times, and we always knew we had each other's backs.

  The only question hanging out for me was what happens next. I would have to figure out a way to get Sydney moving, and away from the truck, so I could have a chance to “disappear.” Hopefully, in all that running around and other craziness, the bikers would forget about me. After all, I wasn't an important part of their world after this. It wasn't like they'd care if I disappeared, anyways. I was just another hooker to them.

  I'd ziptie my own wrists, instead of the driver's. When the trucker came to, I'd tell him Sydney stabbed me in the back and cut me out of the deal. I'd give him a chance to redeem himself in front of his higher-ups by offering to give the real culprits to the boss. Then, when we got in front of Efraim Petrov, I'd play it by ear.

  That'd be my chance to get the bastard who was responsible for Rommy's death.

  Not a perfect plan. Hell, not even as good as the one Micah had setup. But, still, it was better than nothing.

  A thought did occur to me, though. And getting it answered would be good in the long run. It'd make me look more invested in the job.

  “Alright, Micah,” I said after I finished off my beer. “You got Gov on board with your plan. One last thing.”

  “What's that?” he asked.

  “Say Petrov's got extra security, someone watching the trucks. What do you guys do to get away?”

  “Mean like if we're followed or something?”

  “Or something.”

  “Gov and me, Hell, any of our guys, we can lose anyone on those back roads. Most of the roads are halfway decent, and we can really open up on our bikes.”

  I twisted my lips a little, giving him an unsure frown.

  He rolled his eyes. “Don't believe me?”

  “Well, I mean, I just wanna be sure.”

  “Yeah,” Sydney spoke up, adding her voice to mine. “How can we be sure we'll be as free and clear as you guys think?”

  Gov and Micah both laughed. “How about this?” Micah asked. “How about we go for a ride?”

  Sydney almost clapped her hands together, she was so damned excited. And, thing about Sydney was, her excitement was damn-near contagious.

  I grinned as I kept my eyes on Micah. “Sure,” I said. “Let's go for a ride.”

  Thirty minutes later, the four of us were ripping off down the back roads near the truck stop we were going to start the ripoff, the bike humming between my thighs like a vibrator big enough for King Kong. I gripped Micah tighter out of one part excitement, and another out of fear.

  I could feel his wide, muscular chest and his rippling abs beneath his shirt, and I didn't mind one bit that I had to hold onto him for dear life as we rocketed down the blacktop.

  I closed my eyes as we rode, and I saw myself with a man like Micah, one who'd protect me the way he had already. And, of course, one who was sure of himself, the way Micah was. Sure, he had an ego. But, at least he knew what he wanted out of life. And that right there was more than you could say about a lot of men.

  Too bad I was going to throw him away to get at Efraim. In life, I'd realized, there was sometimes a price to pay.

  But, when it came to revenge, there was always one.

  Chapter Eleven


  Sydney and I stood outside the truck stop together. We'd dragged Micah to the shops with us the day before, out to a Target and Old Navy, so we could find just the right set of clothes for the two of us. New makeup specifically for this. We were both hookers by trade, and when you're a wor
king girl you quickly learn that seventy-five percent of your job is playing a part.

  Normally, that part was being a sexy seductress that hung on a man's every word, a pure fuck-kitten that even found his beer paunch and bad breath attractive. In short, you had to play at make believe a lot.

  For this part, though, we had to come at it a little bit differently. We had to be teenagers, through and through. Lip gloss instead of heavy lipstick, lighter makeup, less trashy clothes. Even a new cell phone with a different case.


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